How to Change Skin Tone in Photoshop – Easy Methods

Photoshop is a powerful tool that offers endless possibilities for enhancing and modifying images. Photoshop can change skin tones as you like. Whether you’re correcting lighting issues, engaging in creative projects, or adding diversity to stock images, knowing how to adjust skin tones can be incredibly beneficial. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to achieve natural-looking skin tone changes in Photoshop.

Preparing Your Image

Before diving into the adjustments, Fix which image you want to fix.

Importing Your Image

  1. Launch Adobe Photoshop and navigate to File > Open.
  2. Locate the image you want to edit on your computer and click Open.
  3. Choose the image with clear skin tones for practice. A portrait or headshot is ideal to start with.

Duplicating the Background Layer

To protect your original image, it’s essential to work on a duplicate layer.

  1. Click on the Background layer in the Layers panel.
  2. Press Ctrl+J (Windows) or Command+J (Mac) to duplicate the layer.

Using Adjustment Layers

Adjustment layers are non-destructive tools that allow you to modify an image without permanently altering the pixel data.

Selecting the Right Adjustment Layer

For skin tone adjustments, we’ll primarily use three adjustment layers: Hue/Saturation, Curves, and Color Balance.

  1. Click the Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.
  2. Choose the desired adjustment layer from the list.

Adjusting Hue/Saturation

The Hue/Saturation adjustment layer is ideal for making overall color shifts.

  1. Select the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.
  2. Check the Colorize box for more dramatic changes.
  3. Adjust the Hue slider to change the overall color.
  4. Use the Saturation slider to intensify or reduce color.
  5. Fine-tune with the Lightness slider for brightness adjustments.

Fine-tuning with Curves and Color Balance

For more precise control, use Curves and Color Balance.

  • Curves:
    • Create a Curves adjustment layer.
    • Click on the curve to add control points.
    • Adjust the curve to lighten or darken specific tonal ranges.
  • Color Balance:
    • Create a Color Balance adjustment layer.
    • Adjust the sliders in the Shadows, Midtones, and Highlights areas to balance colors.

Using the Brush Tool for Precision

To target specific areas of the image, we’ll use layer masks.

Masking the Adjustment Layer

  1. Click the Add Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.
  2. A white mask appears, indicating that the adjustment layer affects the entire image.
  3. You can also create a clipping path around the face so that changes are only made to the face.

Painting on the Mask

  1. Select the Brush tool (B).
  2. Choose a soft-edged brush and adjust the opacity and flow as needed.
  3. Press X to switch the foreground color to black.
  4. Paint on the mask to hide the adjustment layer’s effect.
  5. Press D to reset colors, then X to switch to white to reveal the effect.

Additional Techniques

Selective Color Adjustment

For granular control over specific colors, use the Selective Color adjustment layer.

  1. Create a Selective Color adjustment layer.
  2. Choose a color from the dropdown menu (e.g., Reds).
  3. Adjust the sliders to modify the color’s components.

Gradient Map

The Gradient Map can create interesting skin tone effects.

  1. Create a Gradient Map adjustment layer.
  2. Double-click the gradient to customize colors.
  3. Experiment with different color combinations for desired results.

Final Touches

Blending and Smoothing

To achieve a natural look, blend the adjustments.

  1. Use a soft brush with low opacity on the layer mask to soften edges.
  2. The Smudge tool can help blend skin tones, but use it carefully.

Checking for Consistency

Compare the edited image to the original to ensure consistent skin tones.

  1. Zoom in to check for color variations.
  2. Use the Eyedropper tool to sample skin tones from different areas.


Changing skin tones in Photoshop is a skill that requires practice and experimentation. By mastering the techniques outlined in this guide, you can achieve natural-looking and creative skin tone adjustments. Remember to start with subtle changes and gradually increase the intensity as needed.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations of adjustment layers and settings. Share your results and questions in the comments below!

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